It’s a common question. Why do parents spend so much on child care, yet early childhood teachers earn so little? High-quality early care and education experiences, to which early educators are essential, provide lasting benefits to children, our economy, and society, but receive only minimal public investment.

We receive texts like this on a regular basis.


See what Wenzler Preschool and Learning Center offers for extracurricular activities, special programs and fun events.

Preschool class

Our preschool class runs from 8:30 - 11:30 am Monday through Friday for children ages 3 - 5 years old. This program runs from Labor Day through Memorial Day.


preschool promise

Preschool Promise is a preschool assistance program offered by the county to reduce childcare costs and give scholarships to those in need. This program operates by the philosophy, "no child left behind", so no matter what kind of financial background a child is coming from, they can receive assistance. The kids that complete this 1-year program prior to starting kindergarten EXCEL in their kindergarten classes! Preschool Promise gives children a solid foundation to build their education. The teachers that teach this program have college degrees and additional certifications. Preschool Promise also sends out coaches to train our staff and ensure our center uses the best technologies.

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extracurricular ACTIVITIES

Soccer Shots is on Tuesdays at 10 am! It's a fun way to introduce soccer to our kids starting from the age of 2. It’s a natural way to work on balance, muscle coordination, eye and foot coordination, spatial awareness, and fun all at the same time.

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WEBY Dance is run through our Wenzler Preschool & Learning Center with Miss Skylar. Your child can join a dance or tumbling class every Friday from 9:00 - 9:45am. Miss Skylar teaches the basics of dance or gymnastics and at the end of the year we host a recital for the children to show off their new skills!



The first smile, first steps, and first words are milestones we treasure as we watch our young children grow. Regular developmental screenings help families celebrate and keep track of their child’s skills in key areas of development.

Guest Speakers

We've had firemen, policemen, doctors, teachers, and other professionals, visit our classrooms to speak about their careers. Do you have a profession you'd love to share with one of our classes? Let us know!

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Field trips and summer camp

Wenzler Preschool & Learning Center takes kids on tons of excursions, especially in the summer months. Summer Camp has three field trips each week. Field trips can include: the United States Air Force Museum, the movie theatre, Get Air, Narrows Reserve Nature Center, Club Marinole to go swimming, Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, Kettering Police Department (kids even got to sit in the police cars!), & more!

Check out our Facebook page to see more photos!

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Title xx 

Title XX Social Services Block Grant provides publicly funded childcare to and social services for children. If you or someone you know is in need of financial assistance to pay for childcare, click the link below to learn more about Title XX and how it could help.

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